아는만큼 보인다

The Lord of Heaven and Earth Incarnate

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The Lord of Heaven and Earth Incarnate *Dojeon 3:129
9 An Eastern Learning mantra says, ‘Si-cheon-ju Jo-hwa-jeong&’—this speaks of My work.

10 I journeyed throughout the three realms surveying them, to address the turmoil in the spirit realm and human world by establishing the Government of Creation-Transformation and renewing heaven and earth.

11 “I finally came to your Eastern land to save its people first from the abyss of suffering and then to resolve all the bitterness and grief that has accumulated throughout the ages.

12 Those who follow Me shall gain eternal bliss in the Paradise of Immortality. My dao is the true Eastern Learning.”


東學 : Eastern Learning (=Donghak)

Eastern Learning is a popular Korean spiritual and social movement founded in the mid-nineteenth century by Choe Su-un (aka Choe Je-u). Eastern Learning proclaimed the coming of the Later Heaven Gaebyeok and the arrival of a mysterious disease and disasters during this gaebyeok (‘rebirth and renewal of the world’).

I Am Okhwang-Sangje

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I Am Okhwang-Sangje *DOJEON 2:10

10 Sangjenim then said to Geum-gok, “Bring Me a bowl of rice gruel.” After finishing the gruel, Sangjenim asked,

11 “Geum-gok, to whom do heaven and earth belong?”

Geum-gok hesitated, uncertain how to answer.

12 Sangjenim proclaimed in a voice thunderous, “Heaven and earth belong to Me! I am Okhwang-Sangje!” and He roared with laughter. 13 At that moment, Geum-gok beheld that the entire room was shining as brightly as at midday and Sangjenim’s countenance was blazing as radiantly as the sun. Geum-gok unconsciously pressed his hands together in prayer and prostrated himself before Sangjenim.


玉皇上帝 : Okhwang-Sangje
Often translated as “Jade Emperor of Heaven.” A formal title for God the Ruler, who governs heaven, earth, humanity, and spirits. The Korean people have traditionally known the God presiding in heaven as Je, Sangje, Triune-Spirit Sangje, Triune-Spirit God, or Okhwang-Sangje. “Sangjenim,” which combines Sangje with an honorific suffix nim, is a shortened version of the title Okhwang-Sangje; “Jeung-san Sangjenim” is the title of God, who incarnated into this world as Gahng Jeung-san.

A Mysterious Disease Will Strike the World

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A Mysterious Disease Will Strike the World *DOJEON 7:24

1 “Being superior by a single move brings victory in the game of baduk, so devote yourself to the practice that is unknown to others.
2 “Since the Early Heaven Gaebyeok, floods, droughts, and wars have ceaselessly ravaged the world, but there has yet to be a truly catastrophic disease.

3 Such a disease will strike the entire world in the coming times and annihilate the human race, allowing no means of survival;

4 therefore, abandon the world’s celebrated endeavors and paths and instead understand uitong, though it may seem insignificant.
5 “Since the beginning of the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth, I have defeated all the colossal catastrophes looming over this world,

6 but I have left intact the catastrophic disease, for which I shall grant you uitong.


uitong :
Conceptually, uitong signifies two essential themes: first, enlightenment into healing; second, the salvation and unification of the world through healing during the three-year tribulation of the mysterious disease of the Autumn Gaebyeok. Physically, uitong is comprised of three implements, based on the Taeeulju Mantra. The two essential themes of uitong underlie the Dosu of the Center for the Healing and Saving of All Nations, regarding which Sangjenim proclaimed, “It is not enough to heal illnesses in a single region; you must heal all illnesses across the world. It is not enough to heal the illnesses of a single era; you must heal all the world’s illnesses across all time” (5:132:12-13). This dosu will unfold through the Dynamic Meditation Dosu and will ultimately come to completion by saving and uniting humanity through the implementation of uitong at the time of the mysterious disease.

The Destiny of Mutual Conflict and Domination (Sanggeuk) in the Early Heaven

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The Destiny of Mutual Conflict and Domination (Sanggeuk) in the Early Heaven *DOJEON 2:13

4 “The Early Heaven is the time of the destiny of mutual conflict and domination.

5 The principle of mutual conflict and domination has governed all humans and all existence, and so heaven and earth have never known a single moment free of war.

6 Therefore, bitterness and grief now fills all the world.

7 As I now set out to bring the destiny of mutual conflict and domination to an end, colossal catastrophes threaten to erupt all at once, annihilating the human world.

8 If all the bitterness and grief born of mutual conflict and domination were allowed to explode, the universe itself would collapse into ruin.

mutual conflict and domination(sanggeuk) : Mutual conflict and domination is a natural dynamic of competition and division that serves as a catalyst in creating and advancing life. In terms of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) in Eastern philosophy, mutual conflict and domination is a natural dynamic in which one element restrains another (i.e., wood restrains earth, earth restrains water, water restrains fire, fire restrains metal, and metal restrains wood). In the context of the cosmic year, mutual conflict and domination is the prevailing dynamic of the Early Heaven. In terms of human relations, mutual conflict and domination describes a process of growth through conflict and competition.

Sangjenim: Great Teacher, Father of All

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Sangjenim: Great Teacher, Father of All *DOJEON 3:1

1 Jeung-san Sangjenim—the Lord of Heaven and Earth incarnate, He who came to this world as a human—is God of the New Heaven, who brings to pass the Later Heaven’s Paradise of Immortality.
2 Sangjenim opened heaven and earth’s great gate of the spirit realm on July 7, 1901 (DG 31), at Daewonsa Temple of Moaksan Mountain

3 and thereafter wielded His supreme authority over the three realms to usher in the Later Heaven, for Sangjenim is the Lord of Creation-Transformation in Heaven’s Golden Palace, God on the White Throne.
4 Sangjenim is the Father of All Life; He is the Great Teacher; and He is the Sovereign Ruler of heaven and earth and all existence, and of humanity and the spirit realm.


Sangjenim’s truth is the truth in which sovereign, parent, and teacher become one. Since the new world of the Later Heaven will be founded upon Sangjenim’s truth, He will be its sovereign. Moreover, a parent is the one who gives birth, and a parent is also the one who nurtures. In other words, the person who gave you life is your parent. But is it not true that the person who saves you at the time of gaebyeok is your parent as well? Your parents gave you life. But during the time of gaebyeok, Sangjenim will save you. Thus, He is your parent as well. Finally, since you believe in Sangjenim’s truth, is He not also your teacher?

Principles of the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth

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Principles of the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth *DOJEON 5:1

1 Jeung-san Sangjenim resolves the bitterness and grief of all beings, who have been trapped under the reign of mutual conflict and domination since the Early Heaven Gaebyeok,

2 and raises up the Later Heaven’s fifty-thousand-year Paradise of Immortality on earth, leading humanity to the path of new life.

3 To bring all of this to pass, Majestic Human Sangjenim conducted His nine-year Cheonjigongsa—the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth—during His human life in the Eastern land, Joseon.

being [비잉] n. 존재물, 인간
bitterness [빝허r넷ㅅ] n. 비통, 쓰라림
bring to pass 야기시키다
conduct [큰덕ㅌ] v. 행하다
conflict [컨-흘맄ㅌ] n. 갈등
domination [다머네이션] n. 지배, 우세
grief [그륖ㅎ] n. 비통, 큰 슬픔
immortality [이몰탤렅티] n. 불멸
lead [리읻] v. 이끌다
majestic [머줴스띡] a. 장엄한, 당당한
mutual [뮽-츄월] a. 상호간의
paradise [패뤄다잇ㅅ] n. 낙원
path [패앧ㅆ] n. 길, 행로
principle [프륀쎂펄] n. 원칙
raise [뢰이즈] v. 올리다, 일으키다
reign [뤠인] n. 통치기간, 치세
renew [뤼뉴-] v. 새롭게 하다
resolve [뤼젋-] v. 해결하다
trap [츄뢮] v. 가두다
billion [빌리연] n. 10억
blueprint [블루프륀ㅌ] n. 청사진
context [컨텤ㅅㅌ] n. 맥락, 전후 사정
correct [커r뢬ㅌ] v. 바로잡다
hence [헨ㅅ] ad. 이런 이유로
population [팦퓰레이션] n. 인구
tide [타읻ㄷ] n. 흐름

The Taeeulju Mantra Is the Wish- Fulfilling Jewel

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The Taeeulju Mantra Is the Wish- Fulfilling Jewel *DOJEON 7:58

4 The Taeeulju Mantra overcomes all hindrances.
The Taeeulju Mantra vanquishes all illnesses.
The Taeeulju Mantra fulfills all wishes.
The Taeeulju Mantra spreads the teaching throughout the world.
The Taeeulju Mantra is the salvation of the world’s people.
The Taeeulju Mantra actualizes all that is willed.
The Taeeulju Mantra’s power of creation-transformation is boundless and infinite.
5 The Taeeulju Mantra is the wish-fulfilling jewel.
The wish-fulfilling jewel is the Taeeulju Mantra.

Hoom-chi Is the Sound of Calling Out to Heaven and Earth

6 “Hoom-chi is the sound of calling out to the parents, heaven and earth.

7 It is the sound of humanity calling out to God like a calf lowing to its mother.”

mantra [맨츠롸/만트롸] n. 만트라, 주문
overcome [오우붜r컴] v. 극복하다
hindrance [힌즈뤈ㅅ] n. 장애(물)
vanquish [뵁큇싀] v. (전쟁 등에서) 완파하다
salvation [쌀뵈이션] n. 구원
actualize [앸츄월라이ㅅ] v. 현실화하다, 실현하다
will [윌] v. 의도하다, 바라다
creation [크뤼예이션] n. 창조
transformation [츠뢘슾훠r메이션] n. 변화
boundless [바운들렛ㅅ] a. 한이 없는
infinite [인훠녵] a. 무한한
wish-fulfilling [윗싀 훌휠링] a. 소원을 성취하게 해주는
jewel [쥬얼] n. 보석
call out (특히 위급한 상황에서) v. ~를 부르다
calf [컢ㅎ] n. 송아지
low [로우] v. (소가) 음매 울다

Sangjenim Sent Confucius, Shakyamuni, and Jesus to the World

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Sangjenim Sent Confucius, Shakyamuni, and Jesus to the World *DOJEON 2:43

1 Sangjenim one day said to the disciples, “Those who believe in Jesus await the second coming of Jesus,

2 those who believe in Buddha await the coming of Maitreya Buddha,

3 and those who believe in Eastern Learning await the rebirth of Choe Su-un.

4 But whoever this person proves to be, when that one person comes, all will proclaim him their master and follow him.”

6 Sangjenim then revealed, “It is I who sent Confucius, Shakyamuni, and Jesus to the world, to serve in My work.”


disciple [딧싸잎펄] n. 제자, 성도
await [어웨잍] v. ~을 기다리다
Buddha [붇-아] n. 불타(佛陀), 부처
Maitreya [마잍츠뢰이여] n. 미륵(彌勒)
Eastern Learning 동학東學
rebirth [뤼벓ㅆ/뤼벓ㅆ] n. 부활
prove [프룹-] v. ~임이 드러나다
proclaim [프뤄오클레임] v. 선포하다
master[매ㅅ떠r] n. 주인
reveal [뤼뷔열] v. (비밀 등을) 밝히다
Confucius [컨휴셧ㅅ] n. 공자
Shakyamuni [샤껴머니] n. 석가모니 (=Sakyamuni)
serve [썳ㅂ] v. (~을 위해) 일하다 (in)

When Pursuing the Noblest Calling

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When Pursuing the Noblest Calling *DOJEON 11:62

1 Taemonim once declared, “When pursuing the noblest calling, you must first defeat the demon of sleep, demon spirits, and vengeful spirits.

2 Also, you must know the gate of life: the gate of life is the anus, while the gate of death is the mouth.

3 Our pursuit demands control over the five viscera and six entrails. How can you carry out the work of heaven and earth if you do not possess control over your own mind and body?

4 You, the small heaven and earth, are the very heaven and earth.”


pursue [펋쑤-] v. 추구하다
noble [노우블] a. 숭고한
calling [컬-링] n. 소명
defeat [듶휘-잍] v. 물리치다
demon [디-먼] n. 악마
vengeful [뵌즷훌] a. 원한을 품은
anus [에이넛ㅅ] n. 항문
pursuit [펋쑤-웉] n. 추구
demand [디맨-ㄷ] v. 요구하다, 필요로 하다
control [컨츠롤] n. 통제
viscera [뷧쓰r롸] n. 내장內臟
entrails [엔츠뢰열ㅅ] n. 내장內臟
carry sth. out ~을 이행하다

Standard for the Work of Heaven and Earth

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Standard for the Work of Heaven and Earth *DOJEON 8:22

3 Sangjenim also declared, “Those who are numbered among the faithful but who are later removed from the tally for acts of betrayal cannot survive.
5 “There is a saying, ‘Even when the fundamental principles of dao are understood, the practicing of dao remains most arduous.’

6 Three sacks of beads will not become jewelry unless they are strung together.”


standard [ㅅ땐덣ㄷ] n. 규범
number [넘버r] v. 세어 넣다
faithful [훼읻ㅆ훨] a. 충직한
remove [뤼무-ㅂ] v. 치우다, 삭제하다
tally [탤-리] n. 기록된 항목
betrayal [빝트뢰열] n. 배반
survive [썷봐이ㅂ] v. 살아남다
fundamental [훤드멘틀] a. 근본적인
principle [프륀썹플] n. 원칙
practice [프뢬팃ㅅ] v. 실천하다
remain [뤼메인] v. 계속 ~이다
arduous [앓쥬엇ㅅ] a. 고된
sack [쌔-엨] n. 자루, 부대
bead [비-읻] n. 구슬
jewelry [쥬워뤼] n. 보석
unless [언렛ㅅ] conj. ~하지 않는 한
strung[ㅅ뜨뤙] v. string(꿰다)의 과거·과거분사