아는만큼 보인다

Success Lies Only in Possessing One Mind

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Success Lies Only in Possessing One Mind *DOJEON 8:29

1 “Absence of success in any endeavor stems from the absence of people with one mind.

2 If you possess one mind, nothing lies beyond your grasp; therefore, in pursuing any endeavor, deplore your own lack of one mind

3 and never believe that you will not succeed.

4 If but one of you possesses a passionate mind, My work shall be accomplished.

5 The key to defeating lurking demons lies simply in possessing one mind. If you possess one mind, the defeat of demons occurs naturally.”


absence [앱썬ㅅ] n. 부재, 없음
endeavor [엔데붜r] n. 노력
stem [ㅅ뗌] v. ~에서 시작하다(from)
possess [퍼젯ㅅ] v. 지니다
grasp [구뢔ㅅㅍ] n. 통제, 범위
pursue [펋쑤-] v. 추구하다
deplore [딥플로어r] v. 개탄하다
lack [래-엨] n. 부족
but [벝] ad. 오직 ~만
passionate [팻-쎠넽] a. 열정적인
defeat [듶휘-잍] v. 물리치다 n. 타도
lurking [럵킹] a. 숨어있는
demon [디-먼] n. 악마

Individual Destinies

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Individual Destinies *DOJEON 8:65

3 “Even within your families, each person has an individual destiny.

4 Though I confer upon you a destiny, if you fail to embrace and surmount its associated trials, that destiny will return whence it came or be seized by another.”


individual [인드뷔쥬월] a. 개개의
destiny [뎃ㅅ트니] n. 운명
confer [컨훠r] v. 부여하다(upon)
embrace [엠브뢰잇ㅅ] v. 받아들이다
surmount [썷마운ㅌ] v. 극복하다
associated [엇쏘우쉬예잍틷] a. 관련된
trial [츠롸열] n. 시련
whence [휀ㅅ] ad. (~한) 그곳으로부터
seize [씨-ㅈ] v. 잡다, 장악하다

At Least One Person Who Possesses One Mind

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At Least One Person Who Possesses One Mind *DOJEON 7:53

3 Sangjenim once declared, “There must be at least one person who possesses one mind. If not, My work will ring hollow for fifty thousand years.”

4 He continued, “Implore Me with one mind, and I shall create a new world as you wish.”


at least [앹 리-슽ㅌ] 적어도
declare [딯클레어r] v. 선언하다
create [크뤼예잍] v. 창조하다
hollow [헐로우] a. 공허한, 헛된
implore [임플로어r] v. 애원하다, 간청하다
once [원ㅅ] ad. (과거) 언젠가
possess [퍼젯ㅅ] v. 소유하다, 갖다
ring [륑] v. (소리가) 울려 퍼지다
ring hollow 공허하게 들리다

The Ilkkun Must Become Highly Adept

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The Ilkkun Must Become Highly Adept *DOJEON 8:53

4 “The ilkkun can make what cannot be, be, and prevent what will be from being.

8 You will not succeed in the work if you let people categorize you.

9 My work cannot be judged by the standards of this world.”


adept [어뎊ㅌ] a. 능숙한
categorize [캩어궈롸이스] v. 분류하다, ~의 범주에 넣다
highly [하일리] ad. 대단히, 매우
judge [줟즤] v. 판정하다
prevent [프뤼뵌ㅌ] v. 막다 (from)
standard [스땐-덜ㄷ] n. [pl.] 기준, 규범
succeed [썩씨-읻] v. 성공하다

Sageness and Heroism Must Unite into One

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Sageness and Heroism Must Unite into One *DOJEON 2:48

5 “In the realm of the mind, cultivate yourself like a sage; in the realm of work, conduct your labors with the prowess of a hero.

6 The tide of gaebyeok shall reform and rebuild on a scale so grand that your sageness and heroism must unite into one.”


conduct [컨덬ㅌ] v. 행동하다 (oneself)
cultivate [컬트뵈잍] v. 닦다, 연마하다
grand [구뢘-ㄷ] a. 원대한
hero [히여뤄오] n. 영웅
heroism [헤뤄이슴] n. 영웅적 행위
labor [레이버r] n. 노동, 일
prowess [프롸우잇ㅅ]n. (전장에서의) 무용, 용맹
realm [뢰음-] n. 영역, 범위
rebuild [뤼빌ㄷ] v. 재건하다
reform [륖훪-] v. 개혁하다
sage [쎄이즤] n. 현자
sageness [쎄이즤닛ㅅ] n. 현명함
scale [스께열] n. 규모
tide [타읻으] n. 흐름
unite [유나잍] v. 하나가 되다

Cleansing New Disciples of Vengeful Spirits and Illnesses

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Cleansing New Disciples of Vengeful Spirits and Illnesses *DOJEON 3:167

1 Sangjenim commanded all new followers, “Reflect upon every misdeed you have ever committed, then pray to Me in your mind for forgiveness.”

2 If there were misdeeds the followers could not recall, Sangjenim would unblock their memories to make them fully aware of all the wrongs they had committed.

3 Moreover, Sangjenim cleansed the bodies of His new followers of all vengeful spirits and illnesses.


command [커맨-ㄷ] v. 명령하다
follower [활로워ㄹ] n. 추종자
reflect [륗흘랰ㅌ] v. 곰곰이 생각하다
misdeed [밓스디읻] n. 악행
commit [크밑] v. (범죄를) 저지르다
recall [륗컬] v. 상기하다
unblock [언블랔] v. (장애물을) 제거하다
aware [엏웨어ㄹ] a. 알고 있는
wrong [뤙-] n. 잘못, 부정
moreover [모얼오우붜ㄹ] ad. 더욱이
cleanse [클렌ㅈ] v. 씻다
vengeful [뵌즇훌] a. 복수심을 품은

Persevere Against All Criticism and Mockery

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Persevere Against All Criticism and Mockery *DOJEON 8:20

1 “While carrying out the work of heaven and earth, you must swallow your bile whenever it rises.

2 The quest to become a noble human demands perseverance.

6 Since ancient times, visionaries who have attained awakenment ahead of all others have been maligned and hindered, so persevere against all criticism and mockery as you carry out the work of heaven and earth.
7 “Not a single one of My words ever falls to the ground. When you hear My words, hearken well; when you make use of My words, do so without hesitation.”


swallow [스월로우] v. 삼키다
bile [바열] n. 담즙, 분노
quest [퀳ㅅㅌ] n. 탐구, 추구
noble [노우블] a. 고결한
demand [드맨-ㄷ] v. 필요로 하다
perseverance [펄써뷔어뤈ㅅ] n. 인내심
visionary [뷔줜에뤼] n. 선지자
awakenenment [어웨이끈먼ㅌ] n. 깨어있음
ahead of [어헫업] pre. ~앞에
malign [멀라-인] v. 비방하다
hindered [힌더ㄹ] v. 저해하다
persevere [펄써뷔여ㄹ] v. (굴하지 않고)계속하다
criticism [크뤼딯씨슴] n. 비난
mockery [맣커뤼] n. 조롱
hearken [핡-큰] v. 귀 기울여 듣다
make use of ~을 이용하다
hesitation [헤즣테이션] n. 망설임

Requite the Benevolence of Even Half a Meal

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Requite the Benevolence of Even Half a Meal *DOJEON 2:40

1 “In our practice, one cannot ask anything of another without reason, not even a mere bowl of water. Favors must not be sought without good reason, not even between father and son or between brother and brother.
2 “Never forget the kindness of a bowl of rice—never forget the kindness of even half a bowl of rice.

3 There is a saying, ‘Never fail to requite the benevolence of a meal,’ but I say, ‘Never fail to requite the benevolence of even half a meal.’
4 “The betrayal of benevolence brings the betrayer ten thousand deaths.”


reason [뤼-슨] n. 이유
mere [미여ㄹ] a. 겨우~에 불과한
bowl [보울] n. 그릇
favor [훼이붜ㄹ] n. 호의, 친절
sought [썻-ㅌ] seek(청하다)의 과거·과
kindness [카인네스] n. 친절
half [햎-ㅎ] n. 절반
requite [뤽콰잍] v. 보답하다
benevolence [버네붤런ㅅ] n. 선행
meal [미-을] n. 식사, 끼니
betrayal [빗츄뢔-열] n. 배반
betrayer [빗츄뢔-여ㄹ] n. 배반자

Establishing a World of Balanced Yin and Yang

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Establishing a World of Balanced Yin and Yang *DOJEON 4:45

1 Sangjenim proclaimed, “Now is the age of the resolution of bitterness and grief. Deeply and completely trapped for thousands of years, women have been treated as no more than servants and objects of men’s pleasure, but I shall resolve the bitterness of women to renew heaven and earth in accordance with the law of balanced yin and yang.

2 I shall recraft propriety between men and women to prevent men from exercising their rights arbitrarily without considering the counsel of women.”
3 One day, Sangjenim wrote upon a sheet of paper that He subsequently burned, “Magnificent men. Magnificent women.”


resolution [뢰절루션] n. 해결
bitterness [비털니스] n. 비통, 쓰라림
grief [그륖ㅎ] n. 비통, 큰 슬픔
trap [츄뢮] v. 가두다
servant [썰븐ㅌ] n. 하인, 종
object [업-줵ㅌ] n. (욕망 등의) 대상
pleasure [플레줘ㄹ] n. 즐거움
resolve [뤼젋-] v. 해결하다
renew [뤼뉴-] v. 새롭게 하다
in accordance with ~에 부합되게
balanced [밸런ㅅㅌ] a. 균형 잡힌
recraft [뤼-크뢮ㅎㅌ] v. 다시 만들다
propriety [프롭프롸이어티] n. 예의범절
arbitrarily [알빗츄뢰뤌리] ad. 임의로
exercise [엑썰싸이스] v. (권리 등을) 행사하다
counsel [캬운쏘ㄹ] n. 조언
subsequently [썹씨퀀리] ad. 그 후에
magnificent [맥-닢휫쓴ㅌ] a. 위대한

An Ilkkun Should Be Passionate

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An Ilkkun Should Be Passionate *DOJEON 8:24

1 “If, upon encountering a talented person of fine presence, you lose confidence—thinking, ‘A person of such caliber will surely attain lofty heights. How can a mediocrity such as myself succeed at a grand endeavor?’—you will bring your work to ruin.

2 If you think in this manner, success will elude you no matter how hard you try, and you will accomplish nothing.

3 Your guardian spirits will doubt you and come to believe, ‘Aiding one so feeble will bring our own work to ruination,’ and they will hence abandon you.”


passionate [팻쎠넷ㅌ] a. 열정적인
encounter [인캬운터ㄹ] v. 마주치다
talented [탤런틷] a. 재능이 있는
presence [프뢰슨ㅅ] n. 풍채
confidence [컨휘던ㅅ] n. 자신감
caliber [캘러버ㄹ] n. 역량,
lofty [러흐띠] n. (매우) 높은
heights [하잇츠] n. 높은 곳, (비유적으로) 명성, 권력
mediocrity [미디아크뤄리] n. 평범, 범인 凡人
grand [그뢰앤ㄷ] a. 위대한
endeavor [엔데버ㄹ] n. 노력, 시도
ruin [루엔] n. 파괴
manner [매너ㄹ] n. 태도, 방식
elude [일루욷] v. (교묘히) 피하다
guardian [갈디언] n. 수호자 (guardian
spirit 보호신)
doubt [다웃ㅌ] v. 의심하다
aid [에읻] v. 돕다
feeble [휘벌] a. 허약한, 나약한
ruination [루워네이션] n. 파괴
hence [헨ㅅ] ad. 이런 이유로
abandon [어밴던] v. 버리다