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Cleansing New Disciples of Vengeful Spirits and Illnesses

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Cleansing New Disciples of Vengeful Spirits and Illnesses *DOJEON 3:167

1 Sangjenim commanded all new followers, “Reflect upon every misdeed you have ever committed, then pray to Me in your mind for forgiveness.”

2 If there were misdeeds the followers could not recall, Sangjenim would unblock their memories to make them fully aware of all the wrongs they had committed.

3 Moreover, Sangjenim cleansed the bodies of His new followers of all vengeful spirits and illnesses.


command [커맨-ㄷ] v. 명령하다
follower [활로워ㄹ] n. 추종자
reflect [륗흘랰ㅌ] v. 곰곰이 생각하다
misdeed [밓스디읻] n. 악행
commit [크밑] v. (범죄를) 저지르다
recall [륗컬] v. 상기하다
unblock [언블랔] v. (장애물을) 제거하다
aware [엏웨어ㄹ] a. 알고 있는
wrong [뤙-] n. 잘못, 부정
moreover [모얼오우붜ㄹ] ad. 더욱이
cleanse [클렌ㅈ] v. 씻다
vengeful [뵌즇훌] a. 복수심을 품은