Sangjenim Proclaims the Era of Majestic Humanity
영어로 보는 도전Sangjenim Proclaims the Era of Majestic Humanity *DOJEON 2:14
1 “Greater than even majestic heaven and majestic earth is majestic humanity, and it is now the Era of Majestic Humanity.
2 Since the Era of Majestic Humanity has now dawned, humans are redirecting the tides of heaven and earth.”
Sangjenim Inaugurates Enlightenment into Humanity’s Rightful Path
3 “Since ancient times, there has been enlightenment into the principles of heaven and enlightenment into the principles of earth, but there has never been enlightenment into humanity’s rightful path. 4 I am the first to attain enlightenment into humanity’s rightful path.”
proclaim [프뤄클레임] v. 선포[선언]하다
era [에어롸/이어롸] n. 시대
majestic [머줴스띡] a. 장엄한, 당당한
dawn [더언] v. 시작되다
redirect [뤼드뤡ㅌ] v. 새 방향으로 돌리다
tide [타이ㄷ] n. 흐름
since [씬ㅆ]① ~때문에 ② ~이래(접속사 또는 전치사)
inaugurate [인어규뢰잇ㅌ] v. ~의 막을 열다
enlightenment [인라잇은먼ㅌ] n. 깨우침
rightful [롸잇훨] a. 합법적인, 정당한
path [패앧] n. 길, 행로
principle [프륀써플] n. 원칙, 원리
attain [엇테인] v. 이루다
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