Words Become Blessings or Misfortunes
영어로 보는 도전Words Become Blessings or Misfortunes *DOJEON 3:17
17 Sangjenim one day recited a poem to Hyeong-ryeol:
Hated and cut away, none are anything but weeds.
Admired and accepted, all are flowers.
2 He then declared, “Words are the voice of the mind; behavior is the reflection of the mind.
3 Kind words grow into blessings which blossom into ever greater blessings that eventually return to you, while harsh words grow into misfortunes which deepen into ever greater misfortunes that eventually return to you.”
recite [뤼싸잇ㅌ] v. 읊다
weed [위이ㄷ] n. 잡초
admire [얻마이어ㄹ] v. 경애하다
accept [엑쎕ㅌ] v. 받아들이다
behavio(u)r [비헤이뷔여ㄹ] n. 행동
reflection [뤼f흘렉쎤] n. 반영
blessing [블렛씽] n. 축복
blossom (into) [블라썸] v. 번영하여 (~이) 되다
eventually [이뵌춸리] ad. 결국
harsh [할sh] a. 가혹한, 무정한
misfortune [미스f뽈츈] n. 불행
deepen (into) [디입쁜] v. (사태가) 심각해지다
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