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When Pursuing the Noblest Calling

영어로 보는 도전

When Pursuing the Noblest Calling *DOJEON 11:62

1 Taemonim once declared, “When pursuing the noblest calling, you must first defeat the demon of sleep, demon spirits, and vengeful spirits.

2 Also, you must know the gate of life: the gate of life is the anus, while the gate of death is the mouth.

3 Our pursuit demands control over the five viscera and six entrails. How can you carry out the work of heaven and earth if you do not possess control over your own mind and body?

4 You, the small heaven and earth, are the very heaven and earth.”


pursue [펋쑤-] v. 추구하다
noble [노우블] a. 숭고한
calling [컬-링] n. 소명
defeat [듶휘-잍] v. 물리치다
demon [디-먼] n. 악마
vengeful [뵌즷훌] a. 원한을 품은
anus [에이넛ㅅ] n. 항문
pursuit [펋쑤-웉] n. 추구
demand [디맨-ㄷ] v. 요구하다, 필요로 하다
control [컨츠롤] n. 통제
viscera [뷧쓰r롸] n. 내장內臟
entrails [엔츠뢰열ㅅ] n. 내장內臟
carry sth. out ~을 이행하다