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The Taeeulju Mantra Is the Wish- Fulfilling Jewel

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The Taeeulju Mantra Is the Wish- Fulfilling Jewel *DOJEON 7:58

4 The Taeeulju Mantra overcomes all hindrances.
The Taeeulju Mantra vanquishes all illnesses.
The Taeeulju Mantra fulfills all wishes.
The Taeeulju Mantra spreads the teaching throughout the world.
The Taeeulju Mantra is the salvation of the world’s people.
The Taeeulju Mantra actualizes all that is willed.
The Taeeulju Mantra’s power of creation-transformation is boundless and infinite.
5 The Taeeulju Mantra is the wish-fulfilling jewel.
The wish-fulfilling jewel is the Taeeulju Mantra.

Hoom-chi Is the Sound of Calling Out to Heaven and Earth

6 “Hoom-chi is the sound of calling out to the parents, heaven and earth.

7 It is the sound of humanity calling out to God like a calf lowing to its mother.”

mantra [맨츠롸/만트롸] n. 만트라, 주문
overcome [오우붜r컴] v. 극복하다
hindrance [힌즈뤈ㅅ] n. 장애(물)
vanquish [뵁큇싀] v. (전쟁 등에서) 완파하다
salvation [쌀뵈이션] n. 구원
actualize [앸츄월라이ㅅ] v. 현실화하다, 실현하다
will [윌] v. 의도하다, 바라다
creation [크뤼예이션] n. 창조
transformation [츠뢘슾훠r메이션] n. 변화
boundless [바운들렛ㅅ] a. 한이 없는
infinite [인훠녵] a. 무한한
wish-fulfilling [윗싀 훌휠링] a. 소원을 성취하게 해주는
jewel [쥬얼] n. 보석
call out (특히 위급한 상황에서) v. ~를 부르다
calf [컢ㅎ] n. 송아지
low [로우] v. (소가) 음매 울다