아는만큼 보인다

Principles of the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth

영어로 보는 도전

Principles of the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth *DOJEON 5:1

1 Jeung-san Sangjenim resolves the bitterness and grief of all beings, who have been trapped under the reign of mutual conflict and domination since the Early Heaven Gaebyeok,

2 and raises up the Later Heaven’s fifty-thousand-year Paradise of Immortality on earth, leading humanity to the path of new life.

3 To bring all of this to pass, Majestic Human Sangjenim conducted His nine-year Cheonjigongsa—the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth—during His human life in the Eastern land, Joseon.

being [비잉] n. 존재물, 인간
bitterness [빝허r넷ㅅ] n. 비통, 쓰라림
bring to pass 야기시키다
conduct [큰덕ㅌ] v. 행하다
conflict [컨-흘맄ㅌ] n. 갈등
domination [다머네이션] n. 지배, 우세
grief [그륖ㅎ] n. 비통, 큰 슬픔
immortality [이몰탤렅티] n. 불멸
lead [리읻] v. 이끌다
majestic [머줴스띡] a. 장엄한, 당당한
mutual [뮽-츄월] a. 상호간의
paradise [패뤄다잇ㅅ] n. 낙원
path [패앧ㅆ] n. 길, 행로
principle [프륀쎂펄] n. 원칙
raise [뢰이즈] v. 올리다, 일으키다
reign [뤠인] n. 통치기간, 치세
renew [뤼뉴-] v. 새롭게 하다
resolve [뤼젋-] v. 해결하다
trap [츄뢮] v. 가두다
billion [빌리연] n. 10억
blueprint [블루프륀ㅌ] n. 청사진
context [컨텤ㅅㅌ] n. 맥락, 전후 사정
correct [커r뢬ㅌ] v. 바로잡다
hence [헨ㅅ] ad. 이런 이유로
population [팦퓰레이션] n. 인구
tide [타읻ㄷ] n. 흐름