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Sangjenim Plants in Taejeon the Flag for the Founding of the Paradise of Immortality

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Sangjenim Plants in Taejeon the Flag for the Founding of the Paradise of Immortality *Dojeon 5:106

1 Sangjenim one day proclaimed, “My ilkkun slumber in the Bean Field, awaiting the coming of the time.

2 I have planted in Taejeon the flag for the founding of the Later Heaven’s Paradise of Immortality.”


This Place Is the Hallowed Ground of the Emperor *Dojeon 5:234
10 I shall make Taejeon My home and bring about the union of humans and spirits. Taejeon shall hence become the new capital.”


太田 : Taejeon
Taejeon literally means “Great Field,” “Paramount Field,” or “Bean Field.” Taejeon is a major city in the central region of South Korea. Taejeon is the locus of pioneering the third stage of the destiny of Sangjenim’s dao.