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Sangjenim, God who rules all three realms

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Sangjenim, God who rules all three realms


①No one except the genuine God could perform this work. Encompassing not just the earth but also the whole universe, Sangjenim carried out the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth. For example, Sangjenim said, “I now send all the spirits of failed revolutionaries to the constellations, which know no discrimination over right and wrong.” (Dojeon 4:28:6). By this He meant that He would send them to heaven, finding no other appropriate way to appease their severe bitterness and grief.


If the agent of the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth were not Sangjenim but merely the ruler of a nation, various troubles could arise, including rebellion. Accordingly, ②the agent of the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth could be no one but the lord of creation-transformation in the universe, the true and genuine God, the ruler with authority over the three realms.


The Korean word for “govern” or “rule” is &ju-jae&. The first syllable, ju, means “king,” “master” or “to assert,” and the second, &jae&, means “prime minister.” Jae can also mean “to tailor.” ③Just as a tailor uses a specific method to cut cloth, Sangjenim worked out a perfect plan for the Later Heaven’s world of immortality and creation-transformation.

Sangjenim gathered all spirits and established a government of spirits

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Sangjenim gathered all spirits and established a government of spirits


Sangjenim used historically significant human spirits as the basic material in the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth. Mostly He incorporated spirits with unresolved bitterness, spirits of failed revolutionaries, spirits that guard specific regions, and spirits that have contributed to the development of human civilization. ①Sangjenim gathered spirits that existed from the beginning of human history to the present and established a government of spirits. He ordered this spiritual government to judge impartially what was right and wrong, good and bad, crooked and straight, in the past world. On this basis He carried out the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth.


②Though He Himself had authority over the three realms of heaven, earth, and humanity, He never abused this power by being rash or tyrannical. Whenever He conducted a work of renewal, great or small, He would only adopt the unbiased decisions made by the spirits who had actually lived in the specific region and era. That is, He adopted what had been decided in the public hearing of the spirits, such as, “This should be settled this way, and cannot be made otherwise for this reason.” That is exactly what Sangjenim meant when He said, “It is not the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth if even the spirit of a dead fly bears a grudge against it.” (Dojeon 4:44:3).


In other words, the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth is the work in which Sangjenim decided all cases by the principle of history. ③He did this in a way most befitting the heavenly principle, earthly virtue, and human affairs, a way that was free from the grudge of even a dead fly, a way that was fair and impartial, hence perfect.

World affairs develop according to Sangjenim's Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth

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World affairs develop according to Sangjenim's Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth


For the past one hundred years, followers of Jeung-san Sangjenim have called the framework He made for a new culture Cheonjigongsa, “the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth.” But, I think few understand its content and the ideology behind it. ①The Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth is similar to a blueprint in architecture. A perfect blueprint illustrates the minutest detail, such as where to drive in a nail. ②In the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth, Sangjenim drafted a perfect blueprint for the new culture that will last throughout the 50,000 years of the Later Heaven. In other words, He made a plan for the present and the forthcoming world. He even attached a timetable and set milestones. Upon completing the work, Sangjenim proclaimed: “By redirecting the destiny of heaven and earth, I have firmly and seamlessly woven together &dosu&, and new turning points shall unfold as these &dosu& become fulfilled one after another.” (Dojeon 5:2380:3).


Sangjenim said that ③world affairs develop exactly according to what He arranged in the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth. Who in the world would deny what God decided upon?

The conclusion of Sangjenim’s work of renewal, the Taeeulju Mantra

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The conclusion of Sangjenim’s work of renewal, the Taeeulju Mantra

Tae-eul-cheon Sang-won-gun is the root ancestor of the entire human race.

①Chanting the Taeeulju Mantra is like calling out to the parents of heaven and earth. The root of your life is first your parents, then your ancestors, and originally Tae-eul-cheon Sang-won-gun.


②No one can get through to the next world without chanting the Taeeulju Mantra. Because this is the time of gaebyeok and returning to the origin, ③if you deny your roots, your parents, and your ancestors, there is no way to survive.

④This mantra is the mother’s milk that nurtures the world of immortals. It is a lifeline for humanity. The conclusion of Sangjenim’s nine-year work of renewal is uitong(salvation and unification through healing) and uitong set is the manifestation of the Taeeulju Mantra’s qi.

The Taeeulju Mantra is a lifeline for humanity

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The Taeeulju Mantra is a lifeline for humanity


①I myself chanted the Taeeulju Mantra from an early age. When I was twelve, I chanted intensively for one week. At that time, I gained chotong (first enlightenment), and experienced the miracle of the Taeeulju Mantra.

②When you chant it many times with a virtuous mind, your bright spirit opens. You come to know every affair in the whole world, and your mind and body become healthy.

③In this world, there is no mantra better than the Taeeulju Mantra.


④By chanting the Taeeulju Mantra and having a lot of its qi in your body, you can escape accidents and disaster. For example, though you get in a car accident in which death seems certain, incredibly you survive. In Jeung San Do, not just one or two people have experienced this, many have.

At this time, humanity’s lifeline-the cord of life that allows safe passage into the coming world-is the Taeeulju Mantra.

⑤The Taeeulju Mantra shall serve as the foundation for the creation of the Later Heaven’s new civilization.

The Taeeulju Mantra is like oxygen for living things

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The Taeeulju Mantra is like oxygen for living things


The sound hoom within Taeeulju Mantra represents the origin, the root of the universe. As you utter hoom, reflect upon this: ①the truth of all existence lies within the sound you speak. It is for this reason that hoom is considered the seed-the core.


②Within hoom lies the principle and essence of all existence. The resplendence of the mind, the fount of all awakenment, and the mind of dao are all concentrated within the sound hoom.

The mantra of returning to one's roots, the Taeeulju Mantra

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The mantra of returning to one's roots, the Taeeulju Mantra


①Now is the age when all existence seeks out the beginning and returns to its origin, for such is nature’s principle. Humanity must also seek out and return to its origin, and so in terms of mantras, all people must chant the mantra of seeking out the beginning and returning to the origin.

②The mantra of seeking out and discovering one’s self and one’s roots is the Taeeulju Mantra.

③None can preserve their life at the time of gaebyeok without chanting the Taeeulju Mantra. You must chant the Taeeulju Mantra until your body smells of its scent! At the coming time of gaebyeok, people will perish while arriving, departing, standing still, eating, sleeping—but the Taeeulju Mantra will be your deliverance.

④If you chant the Taeeulju Mantra, you shall make salvation yours and deliver people across the world, who shall be the seeds of the Later Heaven’s Immortal Paradise of Creation-Transformation.

The Ultimate Goal of Life Is to Meet the True God

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The Ultimate Goal of Life Is to Meet the True God

Sangjenim’s truth is the cosmic principle; the cosmic principle is Sangjenim’s truth. The manner in which heaven and earth undergo change based upon the fundamental principle of birth, growth, harvest, and rest—this is Sangjenim’s truth. “Truth has its roots in nature.” This means that truth lies completely within nature.


I often say, “No one demands payment for a fresh breeze, and no one demands payment for the bright moon.” Like a fresh breeze and the bright moon, Sangjenim’s truth is an impartial dao for all in heaven and earth. Everyone in the world has the same right to practice Sangjenim’s truth.


Why did God come into the world? He came to the world to conduct gaebyeok—to undertake the renewal of the world. Sangjenim, the True God, must personally come to the world to conduct the dao of gaebyeok for the salvation of multitudes, and so He was compelled to incarnate on earth. Sangjenim came into the world and—in accordance with His words, “Saving lives and healing the world is the dao of sages” (Dojeon 2:56:8)—He established the principle that humanity would attain salvation by dwelling within His truth at the time when heaven and earth wage gaebyeok. This done, He returned to heaven.


Therefore, the ultimate goal of life is to meet the True God, who entered and departed this world as a mortal! It is to meet the True God, who incarnated in the age of the fruition of heaven and earth and who established the great dao, the great truth, of delivering life from certain death! All the ancestral spirits yearn for their descendants to embrace the truth of the True God so that they will be blessed and live in glory. This is the ultimate aim of the universe’s cultivation of humanity.

God of All Humanity and Spirits

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God of All Humanity and Spirits

Sangjenim is also called Gahng Jeung-san Sangjenim, which references both His surname and His honorific dao name. In other words, the holy name of the True God who incarnated to harvest the human world is Gahng Jeung-san. It is for this reason that the dao organization that bears the truth of the True God is called Jeung San Do (“The Dao of Jeung-san Sangjenim”).


Now, simply because Sangjenim incarnated into this land does not mean that He is only God of the Korean people. Although His homeland on earth was Korea, Sangjenim is God of the Japanese, God of the Chinese, God of the Indians, God of the Americans, God of the Middle Easterners, God of the Europeans. He is God of the entire earth—of all humanity. He is the True God of the entire humanity of the fifty-thousand years of the Later Heaven. He is the all-encompassing Absolute Being.


In the coming of the times, the East and the West, existing under the same sky on the same earth, will both undergo the same gaebyeok. Under the single dominion of the principle of heaven and earth, everything and everyone will encounter gaebyeok in the same way.


In the coming of the times, when cosmic autumn begins, the gaebyeok of humanity will be waged by heaven and earth. This means that the myriad peoples of the world, all living under one sky, will suffer the same Autumn Gaebyeok.


This is the reason why the one God came into the world! Just as there are not two suns in the sky, there is but one God. Sangjenim is not only God of the many people living in this world, He is God of the countless spirits who have come into being since the beginning of humanity’s history and who now fill the celestial realm of the universe. Sangjenim is God of all that exist in the universe. God of all, as the Supreme Governor of all, rules over spirits and humanity. All living beings cannot but dwell within the bounds of the supreme authority of the True God.

Sangjenim, the Supreme Governor, Who Tailors the Three Realms at Will

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Sangjenim, the Supreme Governor, Who Tailors the Three Realms at Will

As the Supreme Governor of the Universe, Sangjenim incarnated into this world.


The Korean word for “to govern” is juje: ju means “to assume” or “to assert”; je means “to rule,” “to fashion,” or “to tailor.” Therefore, in the context of Sangjenim, juje connotes ‘to tailor the world as if tailoring a piece of fabric, in accordance with the need to fulfill His great vision.’


Sangjenim is the Supreme Governor, who tailors heaven, who tailors earth, and who tailors humanity at will. Wielding supreme authority over the three realms, Sangjenim is the Absolute Being who tailors the affairs of heaven, the affairs of earth, and the affairs of the human world according to His vision and will.


But what does it mean to ‘tailor’ the three realms according to His will?


Consider the grand historical achievements that took place during the cosmic spring and summer of the Early Heaven. There were positive achievements; there were negative achievements. Using these achievements as raw material, Sangjenim—employing the most optimal means—combined the principle of heaven, the principle of earth, and the principle of human affairs to devise a new archetype for the tides of the new world.


Sangjenim is the Supreme Governor the Universe. United with heaven and earth, He is one with their virtue; united with the sun and moon, He is one with their resplendence; united with the four seasons, He is one with their order; united with the spirits, He is one with their fortune and misfortune. Sangjenim is the master of heaven and earth. He is the Supreme Governor of the Universe who rules over heaven and earth and governs humanity’s history.