The work to live well and be blessed
영어로 보는 도전The work to live well and be blessed
To conclude, practice firmly your belief in Sangjenim, the True God of all times, past and future, and of all humanity. Have firm belief in Sangjenim, who is the only Ruling God of the universe, and save other people as well as yourself at the time of gaebyeok. ‘This is the work through which I live, others live, and all will prosper’—this is the message of the True God. This is my benediction, my wish for you to live happily, transferring your blessings to your descendants, for the fifty thousand years of the Later Heaven.
I am not forcing you to do so. If you don’t want to do so, then don’t. This is the work that carries out the greatest vision since the beginning of heaven and earth—the work to live well and be blessed. In this cosmic year, there has never been a work of such great vision as this one, and there will not be one in the future.
[The saying goes:] Among destinies, there is ‘the destiny’; among times, there is ‘the time’; and among people, there is ‘the person.’ And Sangjenim said: “It is heaven that devises and humanity that accomplishes”(Dojeon 4:3:1). I am telling you to be ‘the person’ at ‘the time’ with ‘the destiny’—to be the workers who accomplish what the True God has devised, on behalf of heaven and earth. Be these great people and be blessed!
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