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The True God Who Harvests the Seeds of Humanity

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The True God Who Harvests the Seeds of Humanity

During the earth year, a farmer adapts to heaven and earth’s order of time: he sows seeds in spring; tends to his crop by weeding it in summer; and harvests his crop, if heaven and earth allow fruition, in autumn. In the same way, there is One who cultivates human beings during the cosmic year—the Absolute God of the Universe, He who is Okhwang-Sangjenim.


Now, what does Okhwang-Sangje mean? In the realm of heaven, the dwelling place of the Ruler of the Universe is called the Jade City. God who dwells in the Jade City is Okhwang-Sangjenim (“Jade Emperor of Heaven”). The title Sangje is comprised of the words sang (“supreme”) and je (“king”). Sang signifies “the highest of all,” “there is nothing higher,” “there are none higher.” Je, which means “king,” originally meant “God.” And so, Okhwang-Sangje means “the most supreme God, the Primordial God, who rules all of existence from the Jade City.” To say that Sangjenim rules all of existence does not mean that He does so arbitrarily. He rules in concord with the principle of nature, in the same manner that a farmer tends to farming by employing nature’s principle.


Just as a farmer harvests his crop when autumn arrives, Okhwang-Sangjenim of the universe, the True God, inevitably incarnates into the world to harvest the cultivated humanity during the epoch of harvesting the seeds of humanity through the gaebyeok of humanity. It is for this reason that, at the arrival of the harvest season of the summer-autumn transition, the True God incarnated into the human world to conduct the harvest of humanity!


We have been born in an era in which heaven and earth will strike down all. Fortunately, the True God came into the world and taught the means of selecting the seeds of humanity before returning to heaven. He conveyed these means so that we can survive and save many others.

The work to live well and be blessed

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The work to live well and be blessed

To conclude, practice firmly your belief in Sangjenim, the True God of all times, past and future, and of all humanity. Have firm belief in Sangjenim, who is the only Ruling God of the universe, and save other people as well as yourself at the time of gaebyeok. ‘This is the work through which I live, others live, and all will prosper’—this is the message of the True God. This is my benediction, my wish for you to live happily, transferring your blessings to your descendants, for the fifty thousand years of the Later Heaven.


I am not forcing you to do so. If you don’t want to do so, then don’t. This is the work that carries out the greatest vision since the beginning of heaven and earth—the work to live well and be blessed. In this cosmic year, there has never been a work of such great vision as this one, and there will not be one in the future.


[The saying goes:] Among destinies, there is ‘the destiny’; among times, there is ‘the time’; and among people, there is ‘the person.’ And Sangjenim said: “It is heaven that devises and humanity that accomplishes”(Dojeon 4:3:1). I am telling you to be ‘the person’ at ‘the time’ with ‘the destiny’—to be the workers who accomplish what the True God has devised, on behalf of heaven and earth. Be these great people and be blessed!

A new world of mutual life-giving and life-saving will emerge

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A new world of mutual life-giving and life-saving will emerge

Those aware of the world’s tides possess the qi of life. Those ignorant of the world’s tides possess the qi of death. In this world in which we now live, we will all die if we are not aware of the time. Even though you are a hundred years old, if you don’t know the time, then you are still a child. You must know in what period of time you live. It is the time of the gaebyeok of heaven and earth.


Some people say, “Whatever happens in this world, I won’t die. What do heaven and earth have to do with me?” But humans come and go in accordance with the principle of the universe. As I have always said, if it were a peaceful time, or if it were the time of cosmic spring and summer, you wouldn’t have to believe in any of this. You could live peacefully without knowing all of this.


But it is the time when the cosmic summer changes to cosmic autumn. The destiny of fire will give way to the destiny of metal. This is impossible to avoid. It is the true way of the great dao of heaven and earth.


The order of heaven and earth’s birth and growth will come to an end, and the order of harvest and rest will follow. The world of mutual conflict and domination will change to a new world of mutual life-giving and life-saving.

One united culture of maturation will emerge

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One united culture of maturation will emerge

This period of time in which we live is the summer-autumn transition between the early 60,000 years and the later 60,000 years. Heaven and earth sowed human seeds in cosmic spring, and just as a field becomes overgrown with grass, the earth has become overpopulated through the propagation of humanity during the cosmic summer. We have now reached the time when heaven and earth harvest the seeds of humanity. Just as seeds are sown in spring, nurtured in summer, and finally matured in autumn, the seeds of good lineages--specifically, the seeds of the ancestors of three, four, or many thousands of years ago who lived righteously for the wellbeing of their country and for other people--will be selected at this time.


When autumn comes, only the human beings from truly good lineages will bear fruit and survive gaebyeok, and also, material culture and immaterial culture will be united and an integrated culture of unification will be established. So, the various fields of culture will emerge from this as one united culture of maturation. In terms of Sangjenim’s truth, it will be the culture of oneness between sovereign, parent, and teacher.


Through Sangjenim’s truth, new life will be gained, dao will be accomplished, and virtue will be established. It will be the world of Sangjenim. Since Sangjenim conducted the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth, it has been and will be Sangjenim’s heaven, Sangjenim’s earth, and Sangjenim’s humanity. This world proceeds in accordance with Sangjenim’s great ideals. Whether you believe it or not, know it or not, the order of the universe has been established in this way, so as a human living in this reality, you must understand this.

What is the purpose of heaven and earth

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What is the purpose of heaven and earth

During this hour, I would like to teach you again about the universe, the Government of Creation-Transformation, and the principle of change within the universe.


All life forms arise and exist within the order of nature in accordance with the principle of the universe. And the principle of the universe is the framework of all things. By knowing this principle, you can solve all the problems of the world--so you must know it. Everything in the universe, no matter what its form, manifests in accordance with the principle of nature.


The purpose of heaven and earth is, in short, spring-birth and autumn-death; spring gives birth to all things and autumn brings death to all things. This is in accordance with the cycle of birth, growth, harvest, and rest. Spring gives birth to life, summer nurtures it, and autumn gathers its essence to bring to fruition both the tangible and intangible things. Applying this principle to culture, specifically, tangible culture is mechanized or material culture, and intangible culture is moral or spiritual culture. Both of these will be united to form the integrated culture of maturation--this is the purpose of heaven and earth.


“Now is the age of heaven and earth’s achievement of their purpose. The Autumn God embraces the mandate of governing all beings to gather all enlightened knowledge for the greatest of all fulfillments--such is gaebyeok” (Sangjenim, Dojeon 4:19:1-2). Gaebyeok means that heaven and earth cultivate humanity, and they harvest the seeds of humanity.

Completely Dedicate Yourselves

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Completely Dedicate Yourselves


Completely devote yourselves and practice with vitality. Jeung San Do’s work is about ripening the fruit at the only time when cosmic summer changes to autumn during the entire cosmic year of 129,600 years. You are such fruit of the universe.


When you encounter Jeung San Do, you may ask yourself, “Am I really the fruit of the universe? Is it really so?” You may even be startled by this notion. You may say, “Is this really true?” Yes, of course it is true. Truly!


Sangjenim, who incarnated into this world, is the harvester who will reap the bounty of the universe. You who serve the Renewing God are truly fruit of the universe.


Do you now understand the cosmic order? Fifty-five years ago, I drew the diagram of the cosmic principle of change. Fifty-five years later, I am completing the teachings.


I will speak about it many more times, until all practitioners grasp it. You must listen carefully until you realize, “Ah, I’ve got it!” You must understand it, this teaching. You, who are dedicated to Sangjenim’s truth, must grasp the conclusion of these teachings. This conclusion is the culmination of humanity’s history, the culmination of the cosmic mind. If you do not know this, you will depart this world after leading an empty life, not knowing why you were here and not understanding the mind of the universe.


My dear students, carry out Sangjenim’s mandate with wholehearted devotion. Dedicate yourselves with a faith that is full of life.

Everything is within the Dojeon

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Everything is within the Dojeon


Above all else, read the Dojeon conscientiously. Everything is within the Dojeon. It should be read dozens of times. Those who are gifted can read it while eating and not forget most verses. When you continually read the Dojeon, the framework of truth becomes clear to you after a while. You will understand why gaebyeok occurs and what your responsibility will be when it occurs.


You are the fruit of heaven and earth. It seems that you do not know that you are the fruit of the universe, but this is the truth—no more, no less. You must therefore conduct yourself as befitting your significance.


My dear students, you must be reborn. Fundamentally, practicing dao means correcting one’s own shortcomings and embodying the truth. If you do not embody the truth, you cannot live through this time in accordance with the truth. Sangjenim’s truth is the new truth by which we will live in the new world. And Sangjenim’s truth is the culture of living. It is the culture of living for the entire human race, no more, no less.


The current [religious] culture is separated from the reality of life. In today’s world, to put it simply, religion focuses on religion while daily life focuses on daily life. But within Sangjenim’s truth, day-to-day matters, politics, economics, culture, religion, society and many more such matters are brought together into one. It is an integrative culture of living for all people. Sangjenim’s truth is a complete truth.

Ancestral Spirits Live When a Single Descendent Lives

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Ancestral Spirits Live When a Single Descendent Lives


Myriad generations of human beings have lived over thousands of years. Our forebears from fifty, one hundred, or more generations ago have lived and died. But why is the current time so important? And why is the saving of people now called the harvest of heaven and earth? Listen closely.


Our ancestors have descended, let us say, over one or two hundred generations, and at least one descendent must live for the ancestral spirits to survive. Imagine a thousand-year-old tree. As this ancient tree ages, it rots, except for a couple of buds poking out of its trunk. If these buds are torn out, they cannot germinate, and the tree will grow old and rot away. But the thousand-year-old tree lives on if but a single bud survives and takes root. In this same way, when a single human descendent survives, his forebears also live on in the spirit realm.


If a bloodline began a thousand years ago, would it not contain millions of descendents? Out of these millions, the ancestral spirits must save at least one descendent in order to continue existing. This is why our ancestors are laboring frantically in the spirit realm. Remember, Sangjenim said, “Ancestral spirits devote more than sixty years to begetting a single worthy descendent, and there are many spirits who are unable to produce any” (Dojeon 2:101:2).


Then how can people survive? All will be saved at the time of gaebyeok if they enter into Sangjenim’s truth and practice His teachings.

The Purpose of Heaven and Earth, Sun and Moon

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The Purpose of Heaven and Earth, Sun and Moon


Every being in the universe lives and dies based on the cosmic principle of birth, growth, harvest, and rest.


The coming gaebyeok marks the universe’s attainment of fruition through human history. “How can that be?” you might ask. As Sangjenim revealed to us, heaven, earth, sun, and moon all exist to fulfill one common purpose: to cultivate humanity. They have no other purpose. I say to you emphatically that heaven and earth, and sun and moon exist to cultivate and harvest the fruit of humanity at the cosmic autumn.


The process of change during the 129,600 years of the cosmic year is the same as the process of change on earth during a single year. Consider the cycle of birth, growth, harvest, and rest during a year. In spring, the farmer sows seeds which sprout and begin to grow. The crop grows throughout the summer, and then the seeds are harvested in the autumn.


In the same way, the seeds of humanity were sown during an ancient, primordial period. We have weathered wind, hail, and all sorts of calamities over the thousands of years since, and now we have come to the cosmic autumn and our time of fruition. Just as a farmer worries whether his harvest will be a good or a bad one, the universe anxiously awaits the harvesting of the seeds of humanity at the Autumn Gaebyeok. When many people are saved, the universe will say, “What a bountiful crop! A good harvest.”

Those Who Disavow or Betray Their Roots

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Those Who Disavow or Betray Their Roots


Autumn is the time of ‘seeking out the beginning and returning to the origin.’ Since it is the time of recovering one’s original self, those who betray their roots are doomed to perish. In very simple terms, even a blade of grass as fine as a needle must return its essence, or sap, to its roots. But if this does not occur and the essence is lost, then the roots wither and die. When the next spring arrives, no new life can arise from these roots. Similarly, if one betrays their ancestors—their roots—there is no way to survive.


Those who disavow or ‘change’ their fathers and ancestors or sever their roots will all die. ‘Changing fathers and ancestors,’ in plain terms, means that a woman has received the seed of conception from someone other than her husband, and hence a child of the Bak lineage becomes a Gim, or a Gim becomes a Choe. The bloodline has been changed, and so the father and the forefathers have also been changed. ‘Changing fathers and ancestors’ and ‘severing their roots’ mean changing the bloodline or the family seeds.


People who sever their roots or who betray their ancestors will inevitably perish in the coming times. Before the coming judgment is rendered by heaven and earth, such people will bring ruin upon themselves. Since they have severed their roots, the lineage of their ancestors stretching from time immemorial to their present selves cannot undergo the process of seeking out the beginning and returning to the roots, and hence they cannot bear fruit and they face annihilation.


Sangjenim’s truth is the truth of seeking out the beginning and returning to the roots. Sangjenim’s truth, in short, is the truth of roots!