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The mantra of returning to one's roots, the Taeeulju Mantra

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The mantra of returning to one's roots, the Taeeulju Mantra


①Now is the age when all existence seeks out the beginning and returns to its origin, for such is nature’s principle. Humanity must also seek out and return to its origin, and so in terms of mantras, all people must chant the mantra of seeking out the beginning and returning to the origin.

②The mantra of seeking out and discovering one’s self and one’s roots is the Taeeulju Mantra.

③None can preserve their life at the time of gaebyeok without chanting the Taeeulju Mantra. You must chant the Taeeulju Mantra until your body smells of its scent! At the coming time of gaebyeok, people will perish while arriving, departing, standing still, eating, sleeping—but the Taeeulju Mantra will be your deliverance.

④If you chant the Taeeulju Mantra, you shall make salvation yours and deliver people across the world, who shall be the seeds of the Later Heaven’s Immortal Paradise of Creation-Transformation.