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Sangjenim, God who rules all three realms

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Sangjenim, God who rules all three realms


①No one except the genuine God could perform this work. Encompassing not just the earth but also the whole universe, Sangjenim carried out the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth. For example, Sangjenim said, “I now send all the spirits of failed revolutionaries to the constellations, which know no discrimination over right and wrong.” (Dojeon 4:28:6). By this He meant that He would send them to heaven, finding no other appropriate way to appease their severe bitterness and grief.


If the agent of the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth were not Sangjenim but merely the ruler of a nation, various troubles could arise, including rebellion. Accordingly, ②the agent of the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth could be no one but the lord of creation-transformation in the universe, the true and genuine God, the ruler with authority over the three realms.


The Korean word for “govern” or “rule” is &ju-jae&. The first syllable, ju, means “king,” “master” or “to assert,” and the second, &jae&, means “prime minister.” Jae can also mean “to tailor.” ③Just as a tailor uses a specific method to cut cloth, Sangjenim worked out a perfect plan for the Later Heaven’s world of immortality and creation-transformation.