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'Sangjenim'에 해당되는 글 3건

  1. God the Father
  2. Uniting Heaven, Earth, and Humanity
  3. Sangjenim's Incarnation

God the Father

영어로 보는 도전

상제님 Sangjenim [상제님]
삼신하느님 Samsin God [삼신 gad]
삼신상제 Samsin Sangje [삼신 상제]
성부 하느님 God the Father [gad ðǝ fάːðər]
통치자 하느님 God the Ruler [gad ðǝ rúːlǝr]
우주의 주재자 the Governor of the Universe [ðǝ gʌ́vǝrnǝr ǝv ði júːnəvə̀ːrs]
우주의 통치자 the Ruler of the Universe [ðǝ rúːlǝr ǝv ði júːnəvə̀ːrs]
호천금궐 Heaven's Golden Palace [hévənz góuldən pǽlis]

Samsin Sangjenim and Spirit Teaching

Being one with Samsin, God governs all the universe
from Heaven’s Golden Palace; and so it is that the people of Joseon,
who have long dwelt in the Eastern land,
have known Him since ancient times
as Samsin Sangjenim, Samsin God, or Sangjenim.
Sangjenim is the Supreme Governor of the Universe
and God the Ruler.
-English Dojeon 1:1:4-5

Uniting Heaven, Earth, and Humanity

영어로 보는 도전

Uniting Heaven, Earth, and Humanity


Sangjenim established a heavenly court of spirits by gathering all the spirits of people who had lived since the beginning of human history.

He decreed that this heavenly court will judge the matters of the past through impartial deliberations.

Based on this process, Sangjenim conducted the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth.

The Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth, through which Sangjenim laid the foundation of the coming world, can be separated into two themes.

The works of renewal for the destiny of the world charted the course of the world, while the works of renewal for the destiny of the dao established the path of development for Jeung San Do.

Sangjenim employed the embittered spirits in His work of renewal for world affairs.

He employed the spirits of failed revolutionaries in His work of renewal for dao affairs.

Sangjenim's Incarnation

영어로 보는 도전

Sangjenim's Incarnation


In answer to the earnest pleas and prayers of all the preeminent spirits, buddhas, and bodhisattvas in heaven, Sangjenim incarnated into the Eastern land, where a new era was to dawn, to deliver humans and spirits, who have been trapped in torment, by bringing to pass a new heaven and earth.


On September 19, 1871, Sangjenim incarnated into the world in Gaengmang-ri Village of Jeolla-do Province.


Sangjenim’s family name was Gahng, His given name was Il-sun, and He eventually adopted the honorific dao name Jeung-san.


He is Mugeuk Sangje, He who ushered in the universe’s Great Destiny of Mugeuk by conducting the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth.

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