아는만큼 보인다

The Grand Cycle of Time

영어로 보는 도전

The Grand Cycle of Time


In this universe, there are four seasonal gaebyeoks: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.


In the cosmic spring, humans and all life are born; in the cosmic autumn, humans, together with all life, mature.


Hence, the Spring Gaebyeok is the ‘creation gaebyeok,’ and the Autumn Gaebyeok is the ‘completion gaebyeok.’


Through the Autumn Gaebyeok, all humans mature.


Instead of only sages, saints, philosophers, or a few others becoming enlightened, all humanity will mature together and attain enlightenment.


The Autumn Gaebyeok is the time when heaven and earth harvest life and bring to pass fruition.


Therefore, anyone who receives the qi of the Autumn Gaebyeok will bear fruit as a mature, enlightened human being.