Sangjenim Sent Confucius, Shakyamuni, and Jesus to the World
영어로 보는 도전Sangjenim Sent Confucius, Shakyamuni, and Jesus to the World
“Those who believe in Jesus await the second coming of Jesus, those who believe in Buddha await the coming of Maitreya Buddha,
and those who believe in Eastern Learning
await the rebirth of Choe Su-un.
But whoever this person proves to be,
when that one person comes, all will proclaim him
their master and follow him. They say ‘Jesus will come again,’ but these words actually signify My arrival.
It is I who sent Confucius, Shakyamuni, and Jesus
to the world, to serve in My work.”
-English Dojeon 2:36-
상제님 Sangjenim
성부 하느님 God the Father
우주의 주재자 the Ruler of the Universe
강세(인간으로 오심) incarnation
선천 종교들 religions in the Early Heaven
성인 sage
불교 경전 Buddhist Scripture
미륵불 Maitreya Buddha
미륵경 the Maitreya Sutra
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