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The Fate of the Heads of Religion Who Lack True Understanding

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The Fate of the Heads of Religion Who Lack True Understanding *Dojeon 2:74

1 “The heads of religions deceive people by promising salvation and blessings when they do not even know how to save their own families, so how can they expect to escape the consequences?

2 Confucius taught from true understanding, yet humanity still harbors bitterness; and Shakyamuni taught from true understanding, yet he could not unravel humanity’s knots of bitterness and resentment;

3 so those who lack all true understanding but still gather followers are digging their own graves.”


That which is built with truth cannot be cast down even by heaven and earth; that which is built with lies is doomed to fall.

One should have true understanding to teach others. If one without true understanding deceives people and gathers followers, he shall be the first to die. The most dreadful sin under heaven is for one who lacks true understanding to gather followers.