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Tribulations at the Time of the Autumn Gaebyeok

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Tribulations at the Time of the Autumn Gaebyeok *Dojeon 2:118

1 “In the future, the West shall become a vast lake.

2 Japan shall be struck by fire and the West shall be struck by water.
3 “When the world is struck by fire, the mountains and fields will turn crimson. You will be too overwhelmed to even snatch your precious children from harm’s way.


As you know well, the earth’s axis leans about 23.5 degrees to the east. When gaebyeok happens, turning cosmic summer into autumn, this leaning pole shifts upright. This will not happen gradually. It will happen suddenly. At that time, some places will sink into the sea, while new land will rise up from the ocean, forming new continents. There is no way to stop this from happening. Whether people want it or not, because gaebyeok is the principle of nature, when the time comes it will happen.

The Later Heaven Gaebyeok is a gaebyeok based on Jeongyeok [the principle of change and transformation in which the universe fulfills its purpose]. In the near future, earth’s rotational axis will become upright. The order of the universe will transform into a perfect order. The earth year will be comprised of 360 days. The solar and lunar calendars will coincide. The four seasons will be harmonious. Extreme cold and extreme heat will cease. According to Sangjenim’s work of renewing heaven and earth, the new civilization of the Later Heaven will be a new civilization of long life. It will give rise to paradise on earth.