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All the world is afflicted by a monstrous disease

영어로 보는 도전

All the world is afflicted by a monstrous disease


Dialogue 1
A: The heaven, earth and humanity are all suffering from illness.
B: Would you elaborate on that?

A: According to the Dojeon, the heaven is filled with spirits of bitterness and grief. The axis of Earth is tilted, which creates imbalance. And humanity go through suffering and death not knowing the true path of dao.
B: This is why Sangjenim had to come to Earth as a human being!

Dialogue 2
A: What is the source of all the pain and suffering in this world?
B: It's the imbalance created by the law of mutual conflict during the Early Heaven's 50,000 years. This creates bitterness and grief in human history.

A: Bitterness and grief? Like a grudge?
B: Yes. This is why the resolving of bitterness and grief is the most important factor in entering the Cosmic Autumn.