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Forming the Government of Spirits to Establish the Framework of the Coming World

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Forming the Government of Spirits to Establish the Framework of the Coming World


①In order to fundamentally correct this world so as to build a magnificent new world, the spirits must first be resolved of their bitterness and grief. Since ②spirits are the principals in the devising of the foundation of the new world, those spirits who harbor bitterness and grief must first have their bitterness and grief resolved.


Sangjenim assembled all the spirits and reorganized the spirit realm. This was the formation of the government of spirits. He established within this government the framework of the tides of the world.


The tides of the present world are manifestations of Sangjenim’s works of renewal for the resolution of bitterness and grief, created as these works unfold as historical events. These works entailed both the spirits’ undertakings and the achievement of their resolution of their bitterness and grief. ③The world in which we live could not have been saved by any means if Sangjenim, the Supreme Governor of the Universe, had not come to the world Himself to alter its course with a new framework.