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I Am Maitreya

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At a Church in Geumsan *Dojeon 5:9

1 One autumn day, Sangjenim traveled to Geumsan Township in Muju County with Hyeong-ryeol and Ho-yeon.

2 When they finally reached Geumsan late at night, they entered a Christian church where many people were listening to a preacher’s sermon.

3 “It is said that God so loved this world that He sent His only begotten son Jesus to us, so whoever believes in Jesus without any wavering in their hearts will gain everlasting life.

4 Now, let us all hold each other’s hands and believe together,” declared the preacher as he delivered an impassioned sermon.

How Dare You Deceive the Multitudes! *Dojeon 5:10

1 Sangjenim strode toward the pulpit, berating the preacher in a thunderous voice, “You should not teach such falsehoods!

2 The principle of all affairs in heaven and earth resides within all those who dwell in heaven and earth, so how dare you deceive the multitudes!

3 If you wish to teach, teach correctly, laying out a straight path.

4 Once a path has been laid, it spreads throughout the world like veins, so if what you teach is not the right path, do not teach it at all.”

5 Sangjenim continued, “Misguiding people even thrusts the Original Master of Heaven and Earth from His rightful place.” Sangjenim then rebuked the people for the grievous sin of disavowing their fathers and ancestors.


I Am Maitreya *Dojeon 4:34

1 One day while sojourning with Geum-gok, Sangjenim all of sudden thunderously demanded of Geum-gok, “In whom will you believe? 2 Shakyamuni was conferred a destiny of only three thousand years. Do you not wish to receive a destiny of fifty thousand years?

3 The coming world shall be the world of Holy Maitreya Buddha-and it is I who am Maitreya. Should we not reunite in that future?”
4 “I shall no longer have faith in Shakyamuni Buddha,” Geum-gok answered. “I shall have faith only in You, venerable Gahng Jeung-san.”
Sangjenim laughed in delight. “Very well, preserve this faith in Me.”
5 Sangjenim often told Geum-gok, “Shakyamuni was conferred an authority lasting three thousand years, but his three thousand years will soon come to an end.”

Putrid Confucianism *Dojeon 3:60

9 While staying with Bo-gyeong later that month, Sangjenim commanded him, “Write the three words Confucianism, Buddhism, and Immortalism.”

10 He then instructed the disciples present, “Indicate one of the three, whichever you will.” Bo-gyeong pointed to Buddhism, and someone else pointed to Confucianism.
11 Sangjenim declared, “Confucianism has become putrid Confucianism.”


Sangjenim sent many sages to the East and West who established many religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, and Daoism. But without the one who governs affairs of the universe, Sangjenim, the problems of the universe cannot be solved.


Sangjenim said, “It is I who sent Confucius, Shakyamuni, and Jesus to the world, to serve in My work.” (Dojeon 2:43:5)―a Christian I know who attended the largest church in Korea heard this passage, and he said that afterward he could not get sleep at all because the truth it contained had shocked and thrilled him so deeply. Although he had always attended church, his yearning for truth had never been satisfied. He felt something missing. ‘Where, when, why, how, and for whom was the universe born? What is the purpose of human existence?’ People asked these questions in vain―whether they were a child, a scholar, a politician, or anyone in the East and West, young or old―because they had not yet encountered a universal dao.